Universities in United Kingdom

List of universities in the UK along with their locations

University Name Location
University of Aberdeen Aberdeen, Scotland
University of St Andrews St Andrews, Scotland
University of Cambridge Cambridge, England
University of Oxford Oxford, England
University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, Scotland
University of Glasgow Glasgow, Scotland
University of Birmingham Birmingham, England
University of Bristol Bristol, England
University of Manchester Manchester, England
University of Warwick Coventry, England
University of Leeds Leeds, England
University of Nottingham Nottingham, England
University of Southampton Southampton, England
University of Sheffield Sheffield, England
University of Liverpool Liverpool, England
University of Durham Durham, England
University of Exeter Exeter, England
University of York York, England
University of Bath Bath, England
University of Leicester Leicester, England
University of Sussex Brighton, England
University of Surrey Guildford, England
University of East Anglia Norwich, England
University of Reading Reading, England
University of Kent Canterbury, England
University of Essex Colchester, England
University of Lancaster Lancaster, England
University of Strathclyde Glasgow, Scotland
University of Dundee Dundee, Scotland
University of Stirling Stirling, Scotland
Ulster University Northern Ireland (Multiple campuses)
Queen’s University Belfast Belfast, Northern Ireland
Cardiff University Cardiff, Wales
Swansea University Swansea, Wales
Aberystwyth University Aberystwyth, Wales
Bangor University Bangor, Wales
University of London London, England
Imperial College London London, England
London School of Economics (LSE) London, England
King’s College London London, England
University College London (UCL) London, England
City, University of London London, England
Birkbeck, University of London London, England
SOAS, University of London London, England
Royal Holloway, University of London Egham, England
Brunel University London Uxbridge, England
University of Westminster London, England
University of Greenwich London, England
University of East London London, England
Middlesex University London, England
University of Hertfordshire Hatfield, England
University of Bedfordshire Luton, England
University of Portsmouth Portsmouth, England
University of Plymouth Plymouth, England
University of Brighton Brighton, England
University of Chichester Chichester, England
University of Winchester Winchester, England
University of Gloucestershire Cheltenham, England
University of Worcester Worcester, England
Oxford Brookes University Oxford, England
University of Buckingham Buckingham, England
University of Northampton Northampton, England
University of Derby Derby, England
University of Lincoln Lincoln, England
University of Hull Hull, England
York St John University York, England
University of Huddersfield Huddersfield, England
University of Bradford Bradford, England
University of Salford Salford, England
University of Bolton Bolton, England
University of Central Lancashire Preston, England
University of Cumbria Carlisle, England
University of Chester Chester, England
Liverpool John Moores University Liverpool, England
Manchester Metropolitan University Manchester, England
Keele University Keele, England
Staffordshire University Stoke-on-Trent, England
University of Wolverhampton Wolverhampton, England
Birmingham City University Birmingham, England
Aston University Birmingham, England
Coventry University Coventry, England
Nottingham Trent University Nottingham, England
De Montfort University Leicester, England
Edge Hill University Ormskirk, England
University of the West of England Bristol, England
University of the West of Scotland Scotland (Multiple campuses)
Glasgow Caledonian University Glasgow, Scotland
Edinburgh Napier University Edinburgh, Scotland
Robert Gordon University Aberdeen, Scotland
Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh, Scotland
University of the Highlands and Islands Scotland (Multiple campuses)
Queen Margaret University Musselburgh, Scotland
University of South Wales Wales (Multiple campuses)
University of Wales Trinity Saint David Wales (Multiple campuses)
University of Suffolk Ipswich, England
University of the Arts London London, England
University for the Creative Arts Farnham, England
Falmouth University Falmouth, England
Bournemouth University Bournemouth, England
Teesside University Middlesbrough, England
Leeds Beckett University Leeds, England
University of Sunderland Sunderland, England
Northumbria University Newcastle upon Tyne, England
Sheffield Hallam University Sheffield, England
Wrexham Glyndŵr University Wrexham, Wales