Candidates are already aware that the TOEFL exam has many sections that together make up the entire TOEFL test. We are going to start with the general TOEFL exam preparation tips and then discuss section-wise TOEFL preparation study material.
Candidates preparing for the TOEFL Exam are required to follow the top 8 TOEFL preparation tips mentioned below:
- Plan ahead
- Know what you’re getting into
- Take lots of practice tests
- Start studying vocabulary
- Focus on your subject
- Use good materials
- Know question types
- Keep an error log
TOEFL Reading Section Tips
The reading section of the TOEFL iBT requires candidates to read 3-4 passages and answer 10 questions on each passage. The section is scored based on the number of correct reading comprehension responses. In brief, candidates will be required to answer approximately 40 questions in 54-72 minutes. Read on as we elucidate the TOEFL reading section tips to excel in the Reading Section of the TOEFL Exam. The Reading section of the TOEFL test measures the ability of the candidates whether they understand university-level academic texts and passages.
Candidates are advised to read as much as possible and strictly in the English language. The basic idea behind this exercise is to keep the mind of the student continuously engaged with the English language.
A tried and tested method of practising the art of reading includes reading short passages and converting them into question and answer format to totally understand the idea behind the passage.Newspapers, periodicals, and articles in English are great sources for coming in contact with new words and understanding the written language.
Exchanging articles and literary work for grading or self-grading your work can also act as a benchmark to calculate your rate of success.
A candidate must build his vocabulary if he wants to excel in the Reading Section of the TOEFL exam. Candidates should engage in a continuous exercise of building their vocabulary as this would only help them to excel in their TOEFL Reading Section.
TOEFL Listening Section Tips
The listening section of the TOEFL iBT requires candidates to listen to 3-4 lectures and 2-3 conversations and answer six questions on each recording. The section is scored based on the number of correct listening responses. In brief, candidates will be required to answer approximately 40 questions in 41-57 minutes. Read on as we elucidate the TOEFL listening section tips to excel in the Listening Section of the TOEFL Exam.
Accurately take notes: The crux to crack the TOEFL listening exam is being able to accurately take notes when someone is dictating to you. Hence, candidates are required to understand that taking accurate notes quickly is one of the most valued skills in the TOEFL Listening test.
Developing listening abilities: This is yet another important aspect that needs to be built around the student. A lot of times, students are unable to listen for long periods of time as they are unable to absorb information after a certain point. Hence, it is important for the candidate to first develop the habit of listening to long audios and then extract useful information and use it to answer questions.
Understanding the Flavour: Half the battle is won once the candidate can understand the genre of the conversation. Because often a lot of questions would be asked around the flavour of the dialogue.
TOEFL Writing Section Tips
The writing section of the TOEFL exam requires candidates to write an essay and effectively describe a topic. The response should be well-organized and well-developed using relevant explanations and detailed support. Furthermore, it should also display unity, progression, and coherence. If you want to achieve a high writing score, make sure that you demonstrate the syntactic variety and appropriate word choice with minor grammatical errors. Read on as we elucidate the TOEFL writing section tips to excel in the Writing Section of the TOEFL Exam.
To begin with, candidates are advised to listen to short passages or readings and write a summary of the same to fully understand the recordings. this way the candidate would be able to express his interpretation of the recording.
Students can also get hold of a book that teaches the different types of connecting words. Connecting words are important as these expressions show the relationship between sentences and paragraphs and also connect two or more short sentences into one long sentence.
While listening to recordings, candidates can also identify the writer’s opinion or opinions and interpret the same and write about them in detail.
A lot of times, candidates would also come across conflicting opinions in one paragraph. So the reader needs to notice how the writer addresses possible objections to the opinion if they are present and write the same in their own words.
TOEFL Speaking Section Tips
This particular section tests the candidate’s ability to speak effectively in an academic setting. Candidates would be graded on the delivery of the answer, ability to speak clearly and coherently, and above all your vocabulary and grammar. Read on as we elucidate the TOEFL speaking section tips to excel in the Speaking Section of the TOEFL Exam.
Students could start by making a list of familiar topics and practise speaking about them. The topics can include both academic and non-academic topics.
As part of a self-exercise, candidates can collect pictures from magazines and newspapers and then describe the same in under one minute. Candidates could further increase the difficulty of the exercise, by describing the same thing multiple times, using different adjectives, and adding details.
Candidates could also pick up opinion pieces and state an opinion or a preference for or against the topic and present clear, detailed reasons for their choices. In this exercise, candidates should use connecting words or phrases to help explain their opinion.
Students could also self-evaluate their TOEFL iBT Speaking Skills by simply thinking about activities related to student life and writing reasons to explain their preferences for the same and speaking on this for one minute.
Candidates can also develop the habit of reading newspapers and articles online and expressing their opinions on current affairs to their friends.